Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

Your complete solution for custom medications tailored to your patients’ needs.


Testosterone replacement is necessary for both men and women in various situations. Empower compounds different testosterone esters for injection — including combinations — as well as creams, nasal gel, and troches in many strengths to accommodate the needs of all patients. 

Commonly Prescribed Products


Healthcare providers request compounded estrogen options for many patients and for many reasons. Both estradiol formulations and bi-est (estriol/estradiol) combinations are commonly requested. We offer a wide range of options to accommodate all patient needs.

Commonly Prescribed Products


Due to the limited dosage forms of commercial progesterone, many healthcare practices work with compounding pharmacies to address their patients’ needs. That’s why Empower compounds progesterone in a variety of dosage forms and strengths.

Commonly Prescribed Products


Thyroid issues can cause numerous concerns for people, making hormone therapy an important part of their healthcare. To ensure providers can assist their patients, we offer commercial thyroid tablets as well as compounded capsules in many strengths to address individual patient needs.

Commonly Prescribed Products

Growth Hormone

There are many reasons why patients may require growth hormone therapy. Regardless of why, Empower offers both commercial somatropin products and compounded sermorelin acetate for injection to ensure that providers can give every one of their patients what they need.

Commonly Prescribed Products